Research Associates


Research Associates are individuals hired to work on research projects. There are two categories: Research Associates (Limited Term) and Senior Research Associates. The normal qualifications for each category are the same, an advanced degree (e.g., PhD, MD, or equivalent) in the field where the research is to be carried out. While the work of Research Associates (Limited Term) and Senior Research Associates is academic in nature, they are not members of the teaching staff. These individuals are intrinsically involved in research projects where they contribute, by way of their academic expertise, to the projects directed by a Principal Investigator. From time to time, they may be asked to participate in the teaching program of the department or division. Any teaching will be a minor part of the individual’s activity and should not be assigned on a continuing basis. Any teaching assigned must be in compliance with the Collective Agreement between the University and CUPE 3902 Unit 3.

Relevant Policy

The information in this manual provides guidance on implementing policy but in all instances, the policies are binding and take precedence over the information provided in this manual.

Senior Research Associate

Senior Research Associate positions are continuing positions where it is expected that grant funding for the position will continue. Such positions can only be terminated under the conditions outlined in the Policy.

Research Associate (Limited Term)

Research Associate (Limited Term) positions are for a limited term. Term-appointed staff are normally hired for an initial appointment of at least six months and have a predetermined end date at which time the appointment will terminate unless an extension is offered and accepted. Research Associate (Limited Term) appointments are renewable but the total cannot exceed five years at the University.

Part-Time Status

Both Senior Research Associates or Research Associates (Limited Term) may be part-time. A part-time appointment is based on less that 100% of the full-time hours of work. They cannot be less than 25% and must reflect the expected hours of work.

Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring

All research associate job opportunities must be recruited through your divisional human resources office. The position must be advertised widely, including on the hiring department’s website and in other relevant internal and external venues.

Job ads should include the following:

  1. Duties and qualifications required
  2. Salary range
  3. Source of funding
  4. Type of appointment
  5. Name/title of the person to whom applications should be submitted
  6. The deadline for application
  7. University’s equity statement
  8. HRSDC statement

If a Principal Investigator is authorized to undertake an international search, they must follow the procedures in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its regulations. For further details, please contact your divisional human resources office and review the recruiting foreign academics tip sheet.

Questions regarding Senior Research Associates or Research Associates (Limited Term), including accessing template letters of appointment should be directed to your divisional human resources office.