Annual Academic HR Calendar

Updated: June 25, 2024

The calendar of activities provides a quick summary of the timing for academic human resource processes at the University of Toronto.

References to the following policies are posted at

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Promotion — tenure and teaching streamPeriod in which activity should occurEarly FallUnit head must establish promotions committee.
Formally remind faculty that the deadline to ask for detailed consideration is October 15.
Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Period in which activity should occurEarly FallTenure Committee chair should request opinions from students and colleagues.
Tenure Committee chair must convene Teaching Evaluation Committee.
Tenure Committee chair must convene Internal Reading Committee.
Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Expectation set in policyFallTenure Committee Chair should notify candidate of proposed composition of tenure committee and subsequently confirm final composition and meeting dates. “This notification will normally happen in the fall.” (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 14 iii)


Continuing Status review — teaching stream (PPAA)Period in which activity should occurASAP FallSummary of Evidence prepared by Continuing Status Committee chair and provided to candidate (at least 1 week prior to Continuing Status Committee meeting).
Continuing Status Committee should meet.
“The division head or chair shall prepare and provide a written summary of the content of the external assessments and other evaluations, without identifying their source, to the candidate at the time of submission of the dossier to the continuing status committee normally at least one week prior to the first meeting of the committee.” (PPAA, 2021, Part VII, 30, x)
Tenure review (PPAA)Period in which activity should occurFallEstablish January/February dates for Tenure Committee meetings and notify candidate of timing
Promotion — tenure stream (PPP)Mandatory date set in policyOn or before October 15Deadline for tenured faculty to submit request to be given detailed consideration for promotion
Promotion — teaching stream (PPPTS)Mandatory date set in policyOn or before October 15Deadline for teaching stream faculty with continuing status to submit request to be given detailed consideration for promotion
Research and Study LeaveMandatory date set in policyNo later than October 31Deadline for faculty members to submit applications for RSL to their academic Unit head for the following academic year


Interim review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyBefore November 30Notice of outcome of interim review must be provided to candidate.
Plan for term of adjusted workload following successful review.
Continuing Status review — teaching stream (PPAA)Period in which activity should occurMid – Late FallContinuing Status Committee should make its final decision on the Continuing Status file and submit file to Dean’s Office (MDF) and Office of the VPFAL (SDFs)


Part-time faculty (PtP)Mandatory date set in policyBefore December 31The review of part-time faculty for a continuing appointment should occur “during the sixth (6th) year of a period of successive one year and/or two year appointments.” “The review to be conducted before December 31.” (PtP, 7b)
Continuing Status review — teaching stream faculty (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyBy December 31Notice of outcome of continuing status review must be given to candidate.
Candidate notified of outcome: “The continuing status review should be completed and the candidate notified by December 31st.” (PPAA, 2021, Part VII, 30, x)
CLTA — non tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyBy December 31Notice of the renewal or non-renewal of their contract must be given to any CLTA members of the academic staff (non-tenure stream) in the final year of their appointment (PPAA, VI, 29, vi)
CLTA — teaching stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyBy December 31Notice of the renewal or non-renewal of their contract must be given to any CLTA teaching stream members of the academic staff in the final year of their appointment (PPAA, VII, 30, xix)
Probationary review — teaching stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNo later than December 31Teaching stream faculty must be informed of the outcome of their probationary review.
Plan for term of adjusted workload following successful review.
“Notice that the contract will or will not be renewed on the following July 1 must be given in writing no later than December 31.” (PPAA, 2021, Part VII, 30, vii)
Research and Study LeaveMandatory date set in policyBy December 31Divisional response in principle to all requests for RSLs for the coming academic year (subject to final approval by the Provost)
Retirement noticePeriod in which activity must occurBefore the end of DecemberDeadline for faculty to submit notice of their intention to retire the following December 31


Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Period in which activity should occurWinterSummary of Evidence prepared by Tenure Committee chair and provided to candidate (at least 1 week prior to TC meeting) (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 14 iv).
Tenure Committee should meet.


Promotion — tenure streamPeriod in which activity should occurFebruaryPositive promotion files for tenured faculty in SDFs should be submitted to the Provost’s Office
Promotion — teaching stream facultyPeriod in which activity should occurFebruaryPositive files for continuing status teaching stream faculty in SDFs should be submitted to the Provost’s Office


Merit (PTR and 5%)NotificationSpring (March – April)Annual Merit (PTR and 5%) and Salary Increase instructions normally issued by the Provost Office
Merit (PTR and 5%)Period in which activity should occurBy March 31Unit head requests Annual Activity Report from all faculty members and librarians
Research and Study LeaveMandatory date set in policyBy March 31Deadline for confirmation of all RSLs for the coming academic year by VPFAL


Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyApril 15Deadline under the 2015 PPAA to notify all candidates of the recommendation of their tenure committee (unless you have explicitly received an extension) (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 10)
Merit (PTR and 5%)Period in which activity should occurBy April 30Faculty and librarians submit their Annual Activity Report and Paid Activity Report to their unit head
Merit (PTR and 5%)Formal CallBy April 30 (sometimes slightly later in practice)5% Merit Pool memo normally sent to Deans of SDFs


Recruitment / SearchesFormal CallEarly MayCall for recruitment plans issued to all Divisions by the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life.
Once approval has been received, unit heads may begin the recruitment process for the next academic year.
Probationary review — teaching stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNo later than May 1Teaching stream faculty coming forward for their probationary review should be notified of their upcoming review by May 1 and given a deadline for submission of their teaching dossier (Note: not normally to be submitted before June 30 ) (PPAA, 2021, Part VII, 30, vii)
Interim review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNot before May 1The interim review of pre tenure faculty (normally occurs during their 4th year) can be reviewed no earlier than May 1 (of their third year). (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 8)
Note that the candidate must normally be notified no later than June 30 of the deadline to submit their documentation. (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 8)
The deadline for submission is not normally before August 31.) (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 8)
Probationary review — teaching stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNot before May 1The probationary review of pre-continuing status faculty (normally occurs during their fourth year) can be reviewed no earlier than May 1 (of their third year). (PPAA, 2021, Part VII, 30, vii)
Note that the deadline for submission of the file is not normally before June 30.
Continuing Status review — teaching stream (PPAA)Period in which activity should occurSpringWritten notification to candidates that their continuing status review will occur (note: in time for dossier submission June 30)
Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyIn MayUnit heads must identify those faculty who will come forward for tenure review in the coming academic year (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 14, i)
Merit (PTR and 5%)Period in which activity should occurBy end of MayDeans submit their Annual Activity Report and Paid Activity Report to the Provost
Merit (PTR and 5%)Period in which activity should occurBy end of May (sometimes early June)Deans of single-department faculties complete assessments for each faculty member and librarian and submit. recommendations for 5% merit pool allocations to the Provost.
MDFs will set their own deadlines.


Promotion — tenure streamPeriod in which activity should occurShould occur as soon as it is known that a faculty member will be given full considerationUnit Head should solicit external appraisals of tenure stream faculty coming forward for full consideration for promotion
Promotion — teaching streamPeriod in which activity should occurShould occur as soon as it is known that a faculty member will be given full considerationUnit Head should solicit external appraisals of teaching stream faculty coming forward for full consideration for promotion
SDF 5%Period in which activity should occurMid-End JuneThe Provost will normally notify Deans of merit allocations before the end of June
Retirement noticePeriod in which activity must occurBefore the end of JuneDeadline for faculty to submit notice of their intention to retire the following June 30
Workload lettersMandatory date set in policyBy no later than June 30thDeadline for faculty and librarians to be provided with annual workload letter (WLPP, 2.17)
Annual unit workload documentMandatory date set in policyBy June 30thDeadline for units to prepare their annual unit workload document setting out assigned teaching and assigned service workload for each member of the unit (WLPP, 3.3)
Interim review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNo later than June 30Faculty members coming forward for interim review must receive a request to submit an account of research /CPA before June 30 (not normally to be submitted prior to August 31) (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 8)
Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNo later than June 30Deadline for written notification of those coming forward for tenure review the following spring including timelines. (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 14, ii)
Note: Candidates should be given at least 6 weeks to prepare their material.
Continuing Status review — teaching stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyBy June 30Deadline for submission of dossier by candidate to the Chair of the Continuing Status Committee.
“The candidate, with appropriate assistance and advice from the division or department head, will prepare a dossier in accordance with Divisional Guidelines for submission to the continuing status committee by June
30th.” (PPAA, 2021, Part VII, 30, x)
Probationary review — teaching stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNot before June 30The deadline for teaching stream faculty coming forward for probationary review to submit their dossier is normally after June 30.


Merit (PTR and 5%)Period in which activity must occurJuly 1Written notification of performance assessment and (normally) PTR award must be received by faculty and librarians
MeritPeriod in which activity must occurAt the beginning of the academic year (i.e. July 1)Unit heads “shall communicate, in writing, to each faculty member of their unit:
-”internal policies and procedures for assessment of PTR
-the format to be used for activity reports
-the relative weight of teaching, research and service
Merit (PTR and 5%)Period in which activity must occurAfter July 1Normally, Dean’s Offices to submit histograms to VPFAL Office
Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyNot before July 1Candidates for tenure review should not be required to submit their materials before July 1 (and must be given at least 6 weeks after formal notification to prepare the dossier) (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 14 ii)
Continuing Status review — teaching stream (PPAA)Period in which activity must occurSummerUnit head should notify candidate of proposed composition of Continuing Status Committee and subsequently confirm final composition and meeting dates
Continuing Status review — teaching stream (PPAA)Period in which activity must occurSummerChair of Continuing Status Committee should secure external assessments for file and any relevant internal assessments in line with Divisional Teaching Guidelines
Tenure review — tenure stream (PPAA)Period in which activity must occurSummerChair of Tenure Committee should confirm external assessors who are willing to review tenure dossier
Part-time faculty (PtP)Period in which activity must occurSummerUnit head should initiate process of review for continuing appointment for faculty members who began relevant part-time contracts July 1


Interim review — tenure stream (PPAA)Mandatory date set in policyAfter August 31Deadline for submission of materials by candidate for interim review normally after this date (PPAA, 2021, Part II, 8)


CLTA = Contractually Limited Term Appointment
MDF = Multiple Department Faculty
SDF = Single Department Faculty
PTR = Progress Through the Ranks
RSL = Research and Study Leave
WLPP = Workload Policy and Procedures For Faculty and Librarians