Promotion for Non-tenure Stream Faculty

See also: Continuing Status Review in the Teaching Stream

Relevant Policies

The information in this manual provides guidance on implementing policy but in all instances, the policies are binding and take precedence over the information provided in this manual.


The Policy and Procedures Governing Promotions states that it “applies to both full and part-time teaching staff” (except for promotion to Lecturer/Senior Lecturer), status-only faculty, and clinical faculty in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine.


Promotion dossier checklist

In all regards, the process for promotion of non-tenure stream faculty, status only and clinical faculty follows the steps outlined in the section on promotion to Professor.

Each year, the CVs of all non-tenure stream, status-only, and clinical faculty who are eligible for promotion should be reviewed by a promotions committee and qualified members should be invited to come forward for promotion. They may also indicate their desire to be put forward for promotion by October 15th.

A dossier is prepared for presentation to the departmental and/or decanal Promotions Committee as per the instructions for promotion to Professor. In the case of part-time non-tenure stream and status only faculty, the procedures are the same as for full-time faculty except that the extent of required documentation may be reduced commensurate with the nature of the appointment.


The Policy and Procedures Governing Promotions provides criteria for the promotion from one rank to another.


Please note that the promotion from Lecturer to Senior Lecturer is covered by the Policy and Procedures on Academic Appointments. Promotion to Senior Lecturer involves a different process and results in the commitment to a continuing appointment.

Only qualified clinical faculty in the Temerty Faculty of Medicine can be promoted from the rank of Lecturer. They can be promoted to Assistant Professor upon completion of a recognized graduate program or in recognition of sustained commitment to the academic mission of the Temerty Faculty of Medicine.

From Assistant Professor to Associate Professor

For tenure stream faculty, the promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor usually happens at the time that tenure is granted. For non-tenure stream faculty, the Policy states that the same criteria for promotion to Full Professor apply to the promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, with lesser levels of accomplishment to be expected and that the procedures should follow those of promotion to Full Professor to ensure an equivalent level of assessment of a candidate’s abilities.

From Associate Professor to Full Professor

In the promotion of non-tenure stream faculty from Associate Professor to Full Professor, the “greatest weight will be given to scholarly achievement or, where appropriate, creative professional work, and to high quality teaching.”

The Policy states that the main criteria for promotion will be the establishment of a wide reputation, deep engagement in scholarly work and evidence of effective teaching. In some instances, excellent teaching or excellent scholarship alone, sustained over many years, may also justify the eventual promotion to the rank of Professor. Administrative service can be taken into account but should be given less weight than the main criteria.

Part-Time Faculty

For clinical faculty, the Policy states that the calibre and extent of their clinical function may also be considered. In addition, for all categories of part-time appointments, recognizing that their may be less opportunity for, or expectation of, involvement in creative professional work or research, greater weight might be assigned to teaching and University service in judging accomplishments.

Please note that there are provisions within the Policy and Procedures on Employment Conditions of Part-Time Academic Staff for a review similar to that of the Third-Year Review. After three successive annual part-time appointments, a faculty member, at the discretion of the Chair/Dean and with the approval of the Division head or Provost, can be considered for a three-year contract. The review is held during their third annual contract and the outcome must be known before December 31. Although similar to a Third-Year Review, the staff member will be expected to have made additional achievements in research or creative activity where applicable. They must be notified before December 31 regarding the renewal of their contract.

Recommendations for Promotion

Again, the recommendation process for non-tenure stream faculty mirrors that of the process for promotion to Professor and should be conducted as appropriate for the division.

Informing Candidates

Each candidate who is given detailed consideration by the Divisional/Departmental Promotions Committee will be informed by the Chair/Dean of a single-department Faculty of the recommendation in their case. Candidates who received detailed consideration and who were not recommended for promotion will be given reasons. If the Chair/Dean of a single-department Faculty did not accept a positive recommendation from the Promotions Committee, the candidate will be informed of this fact.